Extra Impact Points
Highest 10
High 5
Medium 3
Low 1

An inverted scale will be calculated using the above points which will be used to calculate the number of picks for each category. Results will be rounded up to ensure each category at least has one pick.

$NumberHighestPicks = \lceil\frac{LowPoints}{SumOfPoints} \rceil \times TotalSubmissions \times SelectionPercentage$

$NumberHightPicks = \lceil\frac{MediumPoints}{SumOfPoints} \rceil \times TotalSubmissions \times SelectionPercentage$

$NumberMediumPicks = \lceil\frac{HighPoints}{SumOfPoints} \rceil \times TotalSubmissions \times SelectionPercentage$

$NumberLowPicks = \lceil\frac{HighestPoints}{SumOfPoints} \rceil \times TotalSubmissions \times SelectionPercentage$

After the voting, we will calculate what percentage of the total cast vote each project has received and we will reward them that percentage of the reward pool.