- PNF must create a multisig for the kill switch, which will be able to block the trustless process if things go seriously wrong.
- PNF will post a proposal to Snapshot asking the DAO to vote on the RetroPGF program. This proposal will also install oSnap, granting it access to the funds.
- oSnap should not have access to the entire treasury, only to the funds needed for RetroPGF.
- The proposal will designate the PNF multi-sig as the kill switch.
- If the proposal passes, oSnap will be granted access and will retain it until the RPGF round.
- During the RPGF round, the EzRPGF platform will create attestations (using the Ethereum Attestation Service) for projects and cast votes.
- After the round, oSnap will fetch the voting attestations and will calculate the results.
- POKT will provide the logic for result calculation based on the votes.
- After the calculation, oSnap will proceed to create a transaction that streams the rewards for each of the winners through Hedgy by calling Hedgy’s smart contract.
- The transaction will be executed 3 days after its creation unless PNF intervenes using the kill switch.
- In the event that the kill switch is activated, the entire process will halt, and oSnap will lose access to the funds.