Options are based on “extra impact” as this empales that the not funded impact is being rewarded here, and although some projects might have a huge impact on the community they might’ve received funding proportional to the impact they have generated.
Each voter is allowed to use each of the votes as many times as specified or less.
No Extra Impact
vote is different from Abstain
meaning, by voting No Extra Impact
you actually help a team reach quorum as you have included them in your ballot.
This can create unanticipated behavior, some project may rally to get No Extra Impact just to reach quorum.No Extra Impact
is equal to Abstain
and to reach quorum you need to receive any other voting options at least 5 times
A project might receive 4 highest impact and not receive it because of quorum and this might happen because of voters lack of knowledge in that space. As voters tend to favor projects that can understand and measure their impact.Highest Extra Impact
We’ll distribute the pool of that option between the 4 projectsHighest Extra Impact
We’ll distribute the remaining proportionally between other optionsNo Extra Impact
more than all the other options.
It does not effect receiving fund, for example if you get 5 High Extra Impact an 10 No Extra Impact you will receive the funding equal to High Extra Impact.